Wednesday, December 3, 2008

happy thanks-bowling!

"Wow, look how much she's growing! I'd swear she's carrying a bowling ball!" Oh, I just kill myself sometimes.

So, it has been a month since the last good belly picture was taken. In that time, we have been having a lot of new experiences. We have started going to baby classes (breastfeeding, un-medicated childbirth, etc.), getting the nursery ready, and even found ourselves browsing around Baby Gap. We have also tried to make sure some things stay quite normal.

For several years, we have had a semi-annual tradition of going bowling after dinner on Thanksgiving Day, and we wanted to make sure we stuck to it this year. Of course, we checked with our doctor(s) first, who gave us an enthusiastic thumbs-up (as long as the ball wasn't too heavy). We invited a few friends we knew would be around after the holiday dinner and met at Elitch Lanes, an vintage alley in our old neighborhood. After three games, we were all a little sore, demoralized, and full of fried bowling alley snacks. All-in-all, a great outing. We just can't wait to bring the little Graham Cracker in a few years so we can have a valid excuse to use that nifty kids ramp to push the ball down so it goes straight every time.


1 comment:

SupaCoo said...

You look great, Robin!!