Tuesday, May 19, 2009

heavy-d turns three (months, that is)

just a quick note that today is our little graham cracker's three-month birthday! we're still confused about when to use "weeks" vs. "months" in referring to his age...wasn't that conundrum supposed to become crystal-clear once he was born? (sigh.) anyway, desmond is growing and thriving every which way to sunday. he's grabbing and moving objects (including mommy's hair), learning how to fit both fists in his mouth, and laughing like a loon when daddy gives him the "wiggles" (see video). he is unbelievably awesome...we are so lucky...happy birthday, monkey man!

-rhr %:-)

1 comment:

SupaCoo said...

He bares a scary resemblance to Mason's dancing... but, D is definitely cuter!