Saturday, February 14, 2009

my very first friend

**While we are patiently waiting for the Cracker to make his arrival, I thought I would try to get caught up on some of the posts we meant to get online over the past 9 months.**

This happy, little guy is Dr. John Hobbins. Today, he operates a perinatal clinic here in Denver that specializes in early fetal testing and high-end ultrasounds. After our first ultrasound at Platte Perinatal, we got the insurance statement and Robin noticed Dr. Hobbins' name. She thought something sounded familiar and asked me. It took a minute, but I realized why the name stood out.

My mom has a great knack of keeping up with where old friends and acquaintances wind up. Forty years ago, Dr. Hobbins was an Air Force doctor at Otis Air Force Base in Massachusetts, the same base where my father was stationed at the time. You guessed it...John Hobbins was the doctor who delivered me.

On our second ultrasound visit, I got to re-meet him, shake his hand, and thank him for helping me out so long ago. I also let him know I had a little bone to pick with him. It seems he is also responsible for me very first (and longest standing) nickname. As he presented me to my mother in the delivery room, he let her know that he thought I looked a bit like Mr. Magoo. Uhhh...thanks Doc.


1 comment:

questionrobin said...

i just have to add that dr. hobbins was tickled pink to meet gavin that day! we let his staff in on the little secret and they brought him into the exam room under the pretense of checking something on our ultrasound...instead he came face-to-face with the 6'-4" magoo he brought into the world waaay back when! he is a pioneer in the field, truly seems to love his work, and said we had made his day with our little surprise.

-rhr %:-)