Saturday, January 16, 2010

one excited little boy...

Be aware, I am using a new format for the videos and they will be password protected, but don't worry. The password is "archer".


just a few quick notes (mommy can't resist):

1) this video was taken the day after Thanksgiving 2009 in a Florida obviously we're more than a bit behind with this blog! desmond's skill set has increased considerably since then...but he still likes to get loud, shrill and silly.

2) D's forehead was red at the time from constant rubbing on the crib sheet while he "practiced" sitting up in his sleep...kinda looks like a birthmark (or a smear of strawberry jam) in the video

3) i can't believe this was only 2 months ago! he's now crawling/pulling up/saying a handful of's true what they say: it goes way too fast.

-rhr %:-)

Excited Des...In a Vest from Gavin Graham on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

