Friday, August 15, 2008

i see an ink blob. no wait...a butterfly.

Our first visit to the doctor was at around 10 weeks. At that point Robin had some tests done (results all good), we asked a lot of questions and then we got to hear the heartbeat. The doctor also confirmed our self-calculated due date to be on or near February 16th.

At 12 weeks (late July), we headed in for the first ultrasound, and our minds were blown away pretty quickly. It took no time for the technician to find the wiggling alien. She told us we can see the head, arms, fingers, legs, the umbilical cord in the pictures above, but I wasn't sure if I could trust her ;-) We also learned that Robin can make the Cracker (as in Graham Cracker) dance any time she laughed (which was often). Robin also had a few more tests (even more thumbs-up) to rule out the various things they test for when a mother is over 35.

At week 13 or 14, we figured we were safely in the second trimester and is was ok to let people know, and put up this blog.

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